Why Solo Travellers Love Fitness and Yoga Retreats

This blog explores why fitness retreats are the perfect holiday choice for solo travellers. We delve into the numerous reasons for embarking on a fitness retreat and highlight the many benefits they offer. For some, the idea of a fitness getaway might seem intimidating as it involves stepping outside of their comfort zone and deviating from their usual routines. However, embracing this challenge can be incredibly rewarding. Pushing yourself to try new things and continuously exploring your body and mind can lead to significant personal growth and a deeper understanding of your capabilities.

“All growth starts at the end of your comfort zone.”Chad Foster

Article chapters:

  • Why choose a fitness retreat?

  • The Benefits of a Fitness Retreat

  • Exercise and your environment

  • Understanding Mind, Body, and Soul Connection

  • Explore while you exercise

Why choose a fitness retreat?

At first, some might think how odd it is to go on holiday to exercise as we often go on holiday to rest and relax. However, fitness retreats offer a different kind of getaway, you'll still feel rested at the end of it all because exercise is good for the mind and body. Physical activity boosts your energy and improves your mood. It promotes better sleep by making the process faster, deepening your sleep and improving its quality.

There's something about exercising outdoors that gives you the free space to improve your fitness and be motivated to get up every day, merely because nature is a much better environment than perhaps the four walls in a gym surrounded by metal equipment and concrete walls.

For some a fitness getaway may seem a step outside of their comfort zone because it is outside of their normal routine, however, it is always good to challenge yourself to do things differently and explore your body and mind continuously.

You can totally go on a fitness retreat with friends or your partner, but going solo is highly recommended. Your fitness goals are personal, and you're the one who has to make those changes. Plus, spending time alone is fantastic for your mental health, showing you just how much you can accomplish on your own—with a bit of expert guidance at the retreat.

Furthermore, as we're almost at the halfway mark for the year, for some, there are plenty of reflections, a loss of motivation and or a need to feel inspired again. Fitness retreats offer that ultimate fitness boost that you need to push through the other half of the year, gain fresh perspective and boost yourself. Here are some more detailed benefits of going on a fitness retreat:

The Benefits of a Fitness Retreat

Exercise and your environment

Exercise releases positive endorphins, it helps to divert us from the things that are troubling our minds at the moment, leaving us feeling optimistic, refreshed and rejuvenated. Your environment is something important to consider when you exercise, are your surroundings contributing to clearing your mind or are they also cluttering your thinking? The more peaceful the place you're in the more likely you are to achieve mindfulness, focus, settle and unwind. Mother Nature often provides beautiful scenery to us and she often is the best place for us to find solitude and comfort.

Picture yourself following a yoga session under the sun, surrounded by lush palm trees and a serene aqua pool—what could be more perfect? Or perhaps meditating with the stunning backdrop of nearby mountains and rivers? Both environments are sure to soothe your mind, making the experience feel effortless and enjoyable. Exercise does not have to feel like a strenuous activity at all.

Understanding Mind, Body, and Soul Connection

A personal trainer can work with guests to help them understand how the mind and body work together to impact wellness and provide them with the knowledge, resources, tools and strategies for a healthy lifestyle that can be used even at home. Similarly, Nina hosts our Swiss Alps hiking retreats. She does guided meditation and functional movement for 20 minutes every morning, and 1 hour of chilled, accessible yoga for all levels in the afternoon. She also makes sure you're moving at a comfortable and safe pace along the trails. There is plenty of exercise to be had with all the hiking, so our yoga practice on these holidays is to calm the mind, cultivate presence, and support the body. These retreats offer a relaxed and non-competitive vibe for everyone.

Health and Wellness Focus

One of the primary draws of fitness getaways is their focus on health and wellness. These trips offer structured programs that can range from yoga and meditation to high-intensity interval training and hiking. As a solo traveller, this focus on self-improvement provides a meaningful way to spend your vacation. You return home not just relaxed but also revitalized, often with new healthy habits and a fresh perspective on life.

Opportunities for Social Connection

While solo travel is about independence, it doesn’t mean you have to be alone all the time. Fitness retreats naturally bring together like-minded individuals who share a common interest in health and wellness. This creates a built-in community where you can easily make friends and share experiences. From group activities to eating together, there are ample opportunities to connect with others, making it an ideal setting for solo travellers looking to meet new people. At InRetreat, we travel in small intimate groups making this a comfortable setting for you to connect with yourself and others if you'd like.

Detox from daily life

We go "in retreat" to get closer to our sense of being. Trudging on every day with no rest can be overwhelming for most. Fitness retreats provide the perfect opportunity to disconnect from technology, work stress, and other distractions, allowing you to focus entirely on yourself. This digital detox can lead to significant mental clarity and emotional balance, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Explore while you exercise

In a way, you're killing two birds with one stone here. You get to have an adventure in nature, appreciate your surroundings, make new discoveries, and create lasting memories, all while achieving your fitness goals. Think of this as packing the gym into your backpack.

Imagine hiking while surrounded by panoramic views of the Atlas Mountains in Morocco where every step reveals exotic wildlife and stunning sunsets. Or picture yourself cycling along the scenic trails of the Italian countryside, passing through charming villages and rolling vineyards in Emilia-Romagna. Whether trekking through the Swiss Alps' serene landscapes or practising yoga in a tranquil villa in Brač, each activity offers a unique way to explore and engage with the environment around you.


In summary, fitness retreats offer a unique and enriching experience for solo travellers seeking a perfect blend of health, adventure, and relaxation. Stepping out of your comfort zone to embrace a fitness-focused holiday can be transformative, providing not only physical benefits but also mental clarity and emotional rejuvenation. The structured environment, personalized attention, and beautiful natural settings make these retreats an ideal escape from the stresses of everyday life. Whether you're looking to meet new people, develop healthier habits, or simply reconnect with yourself, a fitness retreat is the perfect getaway to achieve your wellness goals and return home feeling truly revitalized. So, pack your bags, embrace the journey, and discover the myriad benefits a fitness retreat has to offer.

We'd love to invite you to one of our hiking retreats happening this August. You don't have to be a professional to hike there however you do need to be reasonably fit, we'll spend long periods on our feet getting from each spot to the next. The route is accessible to someone fit and steady on their feet. You do not have to be an experienced hiker to complete this, but you must be comfortable with spending long hours on your feet and carrying a pack. There are some steep climbs and descents, so we highly recommend you bring hiking poles, to help with footing and stability.

Are you ready to challenge yourself? Join our hikes!


The Therapeutic Power of Movement: Hiking and Yoga for Holistic Health


The benefits of a digital detox: Why we say we’re going ‘In’ Retreat?