The Therapeutic Power of Movement: Hiking and Yoga for Holistic Health

This blog explores the therapeutic benefits of movement, focusing on hiking and yoga to enhance holistic health. It highlights how these activities improve physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self”The Bhagavad Gitar

Article chapters:

  • How Can We Reconnect with Ourselves?

  • What Do We Mean by Movement?

  • Our Favorite Choices of Movement and Their Benefits

  • Choosing the Right Yoga Practice

  • Movement for Mental, Emotional, and Physical Health

How Can We Reconnect with Ourselves?

Our journeys with movement are deeply personal. No matter what way you look at it, we are constantly moving and breathing. Most of the time when we move, however, we move to use our bodies for a means or activity like shopping, working, or driving. Our obligations in everyday life can be so overwhelming. How do we keep going and pouring back into others without replenishing our own parched reserves? Sometimes we push ourselves hard and our minds and bodies can move into a bad space. Much like plants, we need to be watered, absorb the sun, and receive nutrients from Mother Nature. We are moving, but are we moving consciously? Are we moving to our body’s benefit or detriment?

Some people’s journeys with movement are easy; they make a decision and get up and do it. For some, it takes much longer to get up and really start to form a habit. Your choice of movement is also specific to your needs and lifestyle.

What Do We Mean by Movement?

There are various forms of movement from running, walking, hiking, yoga, dance, boxing, and weight lifting…the list is endless. These intentional acts of improving your state of being can unlock a wealth of benefits for your body. We incorporate movement into our retreats because it helps us form a deeper connection and appreciation for ourselves and our surroundings.

All our retreats have some yoga woven into them or are centered around the practice. In addition, we offer other active excursions on retreats, like kayaking and stand-up paddle boarding and snorkelling, and we recently wrote about why solo travellers love fitness and yoga retreats, highlighting why travelling alone can help you focus on your goals.

Our Favorite Choices of Movement and Their Benefits


Running, walking, and hiking are excellent ways to improve your health holistically by combining physical exercise, mental relaxation, and spiritual connection with nature. Movement even reduces the effects of cognitive decline. When you’re hiking, you’re stepping over uneven ground almost all the time. Your mind is making rapid decisions about where to step without even realizing it. At the same time, you are focused and clear on the task ahead of you. Over time, you can find you have completely switched off from whatever is clogging your thoughts.

Here’s how hiking can benefit some aspects of your well-being:

Physical Benefits:

  • Cardiovascular Health: Hiking raises your heart rate, improving heart health.

  • Muscle Strength: It engages various muscle groups, building strength and endurance.

  • Flexibility and Balance: Navigating uneven terrain enhances balance and flexibility.

Mental Benefits:

  • Stress Reduction: Being in nature reduces stress and anxiety.

  • Cognitive Function: Exposure to natural environments improves attention and memory.

  • Mood Enhancement: Physical activity releases endorphins, boosting mood and reducing depression.

Spiritual Benefits:

  • Mindfulness: The serene environment of hiking trails encourages mindfulness and meditation.

  • Connection with Nature: Being outdoors fosters a sense of connection with the natural world.

  • Inner Peace: The tranquillity of nature can bring about a sense of inner peace and spiritual fulfilment.


Incorporating yoga into your routine is another effective way to enhance holistic health. Yoga, as one of the most popular forms of complementary and alternative medicine therapies, offers numerous benefits:

Physical Benefits: 

  • Flexibility and Strength: Different poses (asanas) improve flexibility, muscle tone, and strength.

  • Balance and Coordination: Regular practice enhances balance and coordination.

  • Respiratory Health: Breathing exercises (pranayama) improve lung capacity and respiratory function.

Mental Benefits:

  • Stress Relief: Yoga promotes relaxation and reduces stress through deep breathing and meditation.

  • Mental Clarity: The focus required for yoga enhances concentration and mental clarity.

  • Emotional Stability: It helps in managing emotions, reducing anxiety and depression.

Spiritual Benefits:

  • Inner Awareness: Yoga encourages self-awareness and introspection.

  • Mind-Body Connection: It fosters a deeper connection between mind and body.

  • Spiritual Growth: Many yoga practices incorporate elements of spirituality, promoting spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Choosing the Right Yoga Practice

Since there are many different types of yoga, it is important to find one that suits your needs and goals. Here are a few popular types of yoga to consider:

  • Hatha Yoga: Great for beginners, focusing on basic poses and breathing techniques.

  • Vinyasa Yoga: A dynamic practice linking breath with movement, ideal for those seeking a physical workout.

  • Yin Yoga: A slower-paced practice that targets deep connective tissues, promoting relaxation and flexibility.

  • Restorative Yoga: Uses props to support the body, focusing on relaxation and stress relief.

  • Ashtanga Yoga: A rigorous, fast-paced practice for those looking for a challenge.

In the beginning one of the best ways to make sure you’re on the right track is to be guided by a yoga teacher. All our yoga teachers and retreat guides are highly qualified and experienced. We offer bespoke, multilingual yoga training classes that cater to a diverse range of bodies.

Yoga as a Therapeutic Tool

Yoga is medicine for our mental and emotional state. When we’re stretching, our thoughts become clearer and calmer. Yoga is a potentially powerful therapeutic tool, linked to reducing pain in people with different physical needs and increasing flexibility.

Adding yoga to an existing exercise routine can improve strength and flexibility which helps with hard-to-treat conditions such as chronic lower back pain and arthritis while breathing exercises improve oxygen diffusion, increasing the blood’s oxygen content.

Movement for Mental, Emotional, and Physical Health

Movement teaches us softness and self-love. The word "yoga" means 'to join' or 'to yoke' or 'to unite.' Even certain movements in yoga remind us that even in difficult situations, you must maintain your ease and calm by breathing in and out.

Wellness Requires a Holistic Approach

We must always remember that wellness requires a holistic approach.

Movement is not just about the physical act of moving. It’s about becoming aware of our movements, understanding their impact on our holistic health, and choosing activities that nurture our body, mind, and spirit. Whether it's the gentle flow of yoga or the invigorating challenge of a hiking trail, intentional movement can transform our lives, helping us reconnect with ourselves and the world around us.

Embracing Movement in Your Life

To start embracing movement as a form of therapy in your life, consider the following steps:

  1. Identify Your Needs and Goals: Understand what you need from your movement practice. Are you looking to reduce stress, increase physical strength, or find spiritual peace?

  2. Choose Your Movement: Select activities that align with your goals and bring you joy. Whether it's hiking, yoga, running, or dancing, make sure it’s something you enjoy and can commit to regularly.

  3. Set Realistic Goals: Start with small, achievable goals. As you progress, gradually increase the intensity and duration of your activities.

  4. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body feels during and after movement. Adjust your practices to avoid injury and ensure you are benefiting holistically.

  5. Integrate Movement into Daily Life: Find ways to incorporate movement into your daily routine. Take walks during breaks, practice yoga in the morning, or plan weekend hikes.

  6. Join a Community: Engaging with a community can provide support and motivation. Join local fitness groups, yoga classes, or hiking clubs.

  7. Reflect on Your Progress: Regularly reflect on how movement is impacting your holistic health. Celebrate your achievements and adjust your practices as needed.

Be proud of yourself for trying something new and taking an active step in improving your health. Whether through hiking, yoga, or a combination of both, nurturing your body, mind, and spirit will lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Embracing Movement in Your Life

Movement as a form of therapy is a powerful tool for enhancing our holistic health. By consciously choosing activities that nurture our body, mind, and spirit, we can transform our lives and achieve a deeper connection with ourselves and the world around us. Whether through the mindful practice of yoga or the refreshing experience of hiking, let movement be your path to wellness and self-discovery.

Upcoming movement retreats to get your mind and body clear:


Swiss Alps Hike & Yoga Retreat 11-16 August 2024

Switzerland Hiking Retreat 25-29 August 2024


Northern Italy 9 - 13 October 2024

Storfjord 23 - 27 October 2024

Take advantage of our Summer promo!!!

There are just a few spots still open for our Switzerland hikes this August! To celebrate summer and the amazing experience that awaits you in the Alps, we're offering €250 promotional discount on all Switzerland bookings. Use code 'summertime'. Valid until 1 July ONLY. 

Are you ready to rejuvinate yourself? Join our retreats!


Why Solo Travellers Love Fitness and Yoga Retreats