Yoga and Menstruation: What Is Safe And Healthy
Nina Butler Nina Butler

Yoga and Menstruation: What Is Safe And Healthy

It is likely that you have heard yoga teachers casually announce in class that if you are on your ‘moon cycle’, or menstruating, you should avoid certain poses. Some yoga traditions - Ashtanga, for example - strongly advise against all yoga practice and exercise on the first few days on a woman’s cycle. This has been the ‘traditional approach’ …

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Meditation for Menstruation
Nina Butler Nina Butler

Meditation for Menstruation

In Ayurveda the menstruation cycle is considered to be a natural and powerful process of detoxification for the body that aligns to the 29.5 days of the lunar cycle. Like all bodily processes, menstruation is governed by the doshas. In fact, the cycle is divided up into different phases - Vata, Pitta, Kapha phases. If you have any imbalances in your constitution, you are likely to experience irregularities, pain, PMS, insomnia, and any number of difficulties…

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Yoga and Menstruation
Nina Butler Nina Butler

Yoga and Menstruation

Is it safe to practice yoga on your period? To answer this question we have to begin looking at the philosophy of yoga: The same Vedic texts that the modern practice of Hatha yoga (yoga of postures and breathing techniques) are derived from are quite clear in their advocacy that a woman's cycle is both powerful and fragile. This is a time when you are 'full mooning'.

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