Reconnecting With Your Inner Peace: Mindfulness and Meditation
Mindfulness and meditation have emerged as powerful tools for maintaining mental health, and reconnecting with our minds, bodies and souls. This blog explores how our minds and bodies are connected, and why introducing mindfulness and meditation practices into your daily life can enhance your physical and mental wellbeing.
Meditation for Menstruation
In Ayurveda the menstruation cycle is considered to be a natural and powerful process of detoxification for the body that aligns to the 29.5 days of the lunar cycle. Like all bodily processes, menstruation is governed by the doshas. In fact, the cycle is divided up into different phases - Vata, Pitta, Kapha phases. If you have any imbalances in your constitution, you are likely to experience irregularities, pain, PMS, insomnia, and any number of difficulties…
Daily habits to ease anxiety
There is no quick fix for anxiety disorder. As someone who has suffered from anxiety for much of my adolescent and adult life, I have learnt that it is best managed through implementing sustainable habits that you can integrate into your everyday routine. These include, enjoyable exercise; time in nature; a balanced, mindful eating routine; prioritising sleep; less screen and social media time; journalling; and meditation…