The Ultimate Guide To Planning Your Africa Safari
Most of us have seen African animals in a zoo, or in a wildlife TV series or documentary. You might readily hear David Attenborough’s voice in your head, and perhaps you had a mangled collection of ‘Big Five’ soft toys that fed your imagination and wanderlust as a child. Seen in the wild, raw, and unspoilt African wilderness, these animals are something of a spiritual encounter…

Top Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism Lodges in Kenya
Kenya is a top ecotourism destination. The top 6 lodges: Sirikoi; Olepangi Farm; Watamu Treehouse; Little Governors Camp; Porini Amboseli Lodge; Tawi Lodge.
What is ecotourism and sustainable tourism? Global tourism accounts for an estimated eight percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Tourism is a major international industry and a source of livelihood for hundreds of millions of people. The catchphrase from the Sustaining Tourism organization goes, “whilst not everything depends on tourism, tourism depends on everything”. What this means is that all aspects of the natural and manmade world - and where they intersect - are imperative to the continuation of tourism in any given area….

Can scientists save the functionally extinct Northern White Rhino species?
The northern white rhino species has been declared functionally extinct. The window period before the species is fully extinct is closing, as only two females remain in northern Kenya, Najin and Fatu. Najin is elderly and has health problems, Fatu is her daughter and although relatively young at 20 years, she cannot carry a calf to term. Scientists, spearheaded by a non-profit initiative, BioRescue, are on a mission to save the species by planting an embryo in a surrogate mother, Owuan, a southern white rhino…